After The Interview

POSITION: Construction Loan Assistant

Wendy just left and she's feeling pretty confident. It's unfortunate; most successful interviews will leave you feeling like you're not quite sure how you did. Why? A concise and open Behavioral Interview is very revealing. It's like opening up your underwear drawer to a stranger. (not that they wouldn't find it nice and tidy - ...but, it's your underwear) Uncomfortable, yet if you had to defend it you could. EXAMPLE: "Hey, my socks are all matched and there are no 'ripped' shorts, ...I mean, I could use some new pairs, but; I can be proud of how it looks (I hope they liked it)".

Wendy's drawer was prepared in advance. She expected to show it off. Because she knew they were going to look, she went out and bought a new Drawer Liner and some new underthings and even threw in a satchel of flowery stuff.
PROBLEM IS: That's not really Wendy, and if you went to her house in a couple weeks and surprised her I'd be willing to bet that things might be a bit different.

The fact is that a good behavioral interviewer has been trained to pull apart the candidate covering and get to the real person. It still holds true that the best example of future behavior is our past behavior. I am hoping that Wendy will take a look at who she has been and strengthen the pride within it, or reflect on how she has grown from past behavior that has not been successful.

Now that's something worth hiring.

See you back here again, After The Interview

copyright 2006 Human Dimensions of Michigan
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The interview just finished and the candidate is in on their way. I just sat down at my desk because it's time to complete my assessment of the candidate. Who am I? I'm The Interviewer -

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

A Specialist in Human Capital Resources with a focus on Executive Acqusition and Professional Career Kidnapping.


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